Thurmond Factoids UNEARTHED BY JILL CARROLLStrom Thurmond was born on Dec. 5, 1902On that day:
Also in 1902...
Strom Thurmond's political career spans seven decades, long enough to leave a long paper trail of quotes. Here are some you may have missed.
On his invitation to Gov. William H. Hastie (Virgin Islands) to be his guest at the Governor's Mansion, 1949
On the entry of many small African nations into the UN, 1961
Arguing against the Voting Rights Act, Thurmond explains low African-American voter turnout in the South, 1965
Suggesting what to do with Vietnam war protesters, 1965
On student behavior toward invited speakers, 1969
Describing his 28-year-old wife Nancy, 1975
Describing anti-nuclear demonstrators, 1982
On energy provided by Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plant, 1982
What Thurmond requested the sculptor remove from a statue constructed in his honor, 1983
Response to the ever-asked electoral question, 1983
Factoids unearthed by Jill Carroll