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Class schedule, course readings, and other resources are posted at Students will receive access to password-protected study guides and a link to join on Zoom.
We record all of the classes and post them at our web site after each session. Students who miss a class are expected to view the recording on their own.
If attending in-person, feel free to bring snacks and beverages to share. Note that GROW is a meat-free zone, so please bring vegetarian food only. Students with older children or grand-children are welcome to bring them.
Be aware that the faculty and guest presenters may use language that can be challenging in modern times. We do not censor the historical and contextual use of harsh realities and offensive language. We believe that these terms convey the grim reality of our history. The study of South Carolina’s history and mores that built white supremacy does not provide a “safe space” for authentic conversations. Concepts, words, and images that may trigger deep emotional responses will be discussed in context.
On Zoom
Please display your first and last name. A photo of yourself would be helpful.
We appreciate seeing everyone, so please turn on your video when you are speaking.
Keep the chat function relevant to the class. If you have questions, please direct them to Dr. Greene or the presenter in the chat — or raise your hand to be recognized to speak.
Throughout the session, we are always happy to answer any of your questions or concerns. Contact us at or call the office at 803-808-3384.