Tom Johnson
Poetry Editor

She sat across the aisle from me,

With her black
hat with seven little flowers,

And her paper

And her straw

She was so
palpably going on a vacation.
But her eyes had stayed at home
And deep within their shadows

I saw the bare

On a
sun-bleached hill,

And the
kitchen with its milk-pans

And thumping

And flies
droning in the summer heat.

She was going on a vacation,

But her eyes
had stayed at home.

 Farm Poem
Steadily the mules

Moving across
the March fields

Plow a long poem.


Now the spangled lure is out,

Now the dogwoods

Life will play me
for a trout

Though I know
the stream.

Life will play me
for a fish

Again, the reel
will whine.

Life will always
have its wish;

I, though briefly,

 Now When Spring's Candles

Now when spring's candles burn upon the pines

Above the
dogwood drifted in the green,

And stars hang
yellow on the jessamine vines

Against the blue
lake shimmering between;

Now when the
world needs only to be seen,

These are the days
when seeing will not do.

Here is the corner
where the live-oak leans,

Here is the place
I planned a house with you.

And here are other
lovers also true

Within the very
house that we had planned;

They stand beside
the window looking through,

Watching the
spring returning, hand in hand.

While you have
vanished from the blue lake-shore,

And call no
welcome to me from the door.

 Two Loves

Strange that this afternoon

Mending the door

I should see my
lost Love

Standing as before,

Smiling there upon

From out the
lessening light,

Though she will
never seek again

Shelter from the

Stranger still that

For her approving

I should see my
new Love,

And without

Know that I was

The same door
for her,

Who'd soon fill
the still house

With a friendly

My early Love,
my new Love,

Together at the

One had returned,
the other

Was never there

But both of them
were smiling,

For both

That love drove
the hammer

And love shaped
the wood.

 To a Lombardy Poplar

So frail and slim, you, silvered by the moon

'Tis strange what memory comes stalking back:

A tortured road in France, tree-bordered, black

With smoke
that stained the loveliness of June.

James McBride Dabbs (1896 1970), of Sumter County, is largely remembered as one of the
South's outstanding 20th-century prose stylists (he was inducted into the South Carolina Academy of
Authors in 1990). But for at least 30 years (1913 1943) he was also a published poet. In this season of the
centennial of his birth (May 8), 365 Degrees is pleased to present a sampling of his poetry. "To a Lombardy
Poplar" appeared in The American Poetry Magazine, August 1923; "Bondage" in The
Carolinian, April May 1924; "Two Loves" in Spirit, July 1935; "Now When Spring's
Candles" in Driftwind, March 1937; "Fisherman" in Kaleidograph, February 1938. "Farm
Poem," probably written in 1922, is published here
for the first time.
