52%, a women's political action group, will not meet again until September. Call 803-853-0052. The Center for Women offers support services. Hours are 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. on Mondays; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tues. - Fri. The Center offers a support group for expectant mothers every 2nd and 4th Monday at 11:30 a.m. at 20 Mary St. Call 803-772-4909. East Cooper Democrats hold their monthly Democratic Revival on the first Tuesday of each month. For details, call 803-884-0624. Gamblers Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Community Bldg., Rm. 5, 6650 Dorchester Rd. Call 803-744-4357. For information on gay-related events in your area, contact the Lowcountry Gay and Lesbian Alliance at 803-720-8088. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) meets the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at Metropolitan Community Church, 2010 Hawthorne Dr. Call 803-856-0577. The Poets' Corner is a group for writers. For a calendar of events, send SASE to 5009 Jenkins Ave., N. Charleston, SC 29405.
The Airport Codependency Meeting, working for better relationships from a 12-step point of view, meets Sunday and Thursday nights at 7:30 at Willow House on Boston Ave. Call 803-731-5920. Amnesty International helps eradicate human rights abuses worldwide. In Columbia, call 803-216-0097, and visit the Web site at http://members.aol.com/leighline/index.html. The Women's Resource Center offers a Legal Information Clinic for Women. An attorney is available Mondays, 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. Cost is $5 per session. Call 803-252-2151. Call the Association for Children for Enforcement of Support for information on collecting child support. Call 803-951-7248 (Lexington County) or 803-755-6713 (Richland). Services are free. Need a pal? Adopt a pet from the Animal Protection League, 6080 Old Leesville Rd. Call 803-783-2119. Carolina Cats, a pet rescue foundation, needs temporary homes for cats awaiting adoption. Vet care and supplies provided. Call 803-791-7707. Donations of all kinds needed. Columbia Audubon Society sponsors a variety of free events. Call the Infoline at 803-748-9066. The Columbia Film Society seeks volunteers. Call 803-254-8234. The Columbia area La Leche League group will hold a fund-raising one-mile walk on Aug. 2, 6 - 8 p.m., at Harbison Lake Park in recognition of World Breastfeeding Awareness Week. To register or sponsor a walker, call 803-951-8849. The Columbia Shambhala Center offers free meditation instruction on Wednesdays 7 - 8 p.m. and Sundays 9 - noon at 2065 Blossom St. Call 803-254-9048. The Columbia Zen Group meets Sundays 6 - 8 p.m. at 2065 Blossom St. Call 803-779-4902. Harvest Hope Food Bank needs volunteers. Call 803-765-9181. HELPLINE, a crisis intervention, suicide prevention and referral hotline needs volunteers. Call 803-790-4357. Hombres!, a support group for gay men, meets at 7 p.m. Mondays; Les Ms., a confidential group for gay women, meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m.; and PFLAG, a support group for family members, meets the third Thursday of each month at 1108 Woodrow St. Call 803-771-7713. The Columbia Branch NAACP meets the third Sunday of each month. Call 803-256-8771. Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services offers confidential support groups for people with HIV. Call 803-779-7257. Pets Inc., a pet rescue group in the Midlands, needs help. Call 803-749-9391. Rape Crisis Network offers a support group for recent adult rape victims every 4th Tuesday at 7 p.m at Richland Memorial. Support groups in Lexington and Richland counties will begin in August; call 803-252-8394 for details. The Network's 24-hour hotline is 803-771-RAPE. The S.C. Committee Against Hunger has opened an advocacy center at 1919 Hampton St. Its hotline, 1-800-529-5837, links clients with services. Call 800-529-5837 for details. Vis-a-Vis is a confidential support group for bisexual women. Call 803-771-7713 and leave a first name and phone number where and when you may be contacted.
Amnesty International - Greenville meets the last Tuesday of every month at 102 Mills Ave. Call 864-294-2208 for details.
AWARE (Advocates Working for Animals and Respect for the Environment works to educate about animal abuse and lifestyle changes which promote the environment and health. Animal abuse hotline, bimonthly newsletter, quarterly public meetings featuring leaders in the movement. Call 803-842-8090 for details. Citizens Opposed to Domestic Abuse offers 24-hour crisis line counseling, emergency shelter and help with orders of protection. Call 1-800-868-2632. Call the GI Rights Hotline at 1-800-FYI-95GI to be connected with groups in your area. Public Campaign is a new nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to taking special-interest money out of elections. Find out how you can get involved by calling 202-293-0222 or visiting its Web site: http://www.publicampaign.org. Rural Southern Voice for Peace offers The Listening Project, conflict resolution training, public education and action. Call 803-252-2221. Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness offers legal help. Call 1-800-922-5225. Quaker House offers soldiers help. Want out? AWOL? Homosexual? Call Quaker House at 1-800-FYI-95GI (394-9544) for free, confidential information about your rights and discharge options. Call 803-252-2221 for a Columbia contact. The S.C. Center for the Book has a toll-free number. You can fax 803-765-9219 or call 1-888-SC-READS or 803-765-9209 to leave information about a book-related event or to hear a list of upcoming events. The S.C. Organ Procurement Agency offers speakers for groups and clubs. Call 1-800-462-0755. Grassroots activists are invited to join the S.C. Progressive Network, a coalition of groups working for social, economic and environmental justice. See what the Network can do for you. For a free brochure, call 1-800-849-1803, 808-3781 in Columbia, or write: PO Box 8325, Columbia, SC 29202. The Network holds informal discussion groups every third Wednesday of the month at GROW, 18 Bluff Rd. in Columbia. Call 803-808-3781 for details. The S.C. Sierra Club holds monthly meetings across the state. Find the group nearest to you and help wage the fight to save South Carolina's environment.
S.C. Forest Watch meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 113 Retreat St. in Westminster. Forest Watch is a citizens' group that educates policymakers and the public on the importance of managing public resources, and facilitates citizen involvement in public land planning. Call 864-647-8804. |