Nix MOX Plutonium proposal poses new threat to South Carolina
BY SUSAN CORBETT ![]() The only public hearing on the issue was held in North Augusta in August, where much of the city's infrastructure is dependent on the 14,000 employees of SRS, who were given the day off to appear at the hearing. The MOX idea didn't fly at a DOE site in Hartford, Wa., where it was successfully defeated by a large anti-MOX group. But the proposal has met little opposition from either citizens or politicians in South Carolina, which baffles (and relieves) the rest of the country with its continued habit of welcoming radioactive waste. Plutonium reprocessing is a dangerous and dirty process, and will only add to the tons of untreated radioactive waste accumulating at SRS. With no permanent repository at hand, we may become the de facto permanent site, even though the area has long been considered geologically and environmentally unsuited for such storage. There are many reasons that MOX (mixed oxide = plutonium) fuel is a bad idea. It will:
MOX fuel does NOT get rid of plutonium. Reactors do not burn anything, they split atoms. As plutonium atoms are split in MOX fuel, new plutonium is formed. So why do it? One theory is that DOE wants to give nuclear utilities a direct taxpayer subsidy to keep their aging, noncompetitive nuclear reactors operating in the face of electric market deregulation. MOX is nothing more than nuclear welfare. The utilities will get the fuel for free, and in fact, may be paid for using it. If we want to get rid of plutonium forever, then we should make it into glass logs, and find somewhere to put it where it will be safe for the next 24,000 years. Sound like a daunting task? Maybe we should have thought of this before we started making plutonium. |