See Al run?

Democracy for America is sending around an invitation to vote in its Pulse Poll for your favorite Democratic presidential candidate. If you had to vote today, who would you choose?

Right now, Al Gore is ahead, followed by Obama, Edwards and Kucinich. Clinton is coming in fifth, pulling just 5 percent of the vote.

Add your two cents.



Our challenge to Al Gore: Jump In or Drop Out!

Something surprising is happening at Democracy for America; former Vice President Al Gore is leading the race for the DFA Presidential endorsement – as a write-in candidate.

Voting is still open until November 5 at midnight, and there is plenty of time for any candidate to win. All your candidate needs is your vote right now:

VOTE in DFA’s Pulse Poll

Despite the fact that Al Gore has not announced that he will run and wasn’t even included in the endorsement poll, DFA members have seized the power and written him in. With over 65,000 votes cast so far, the time has come for Vice President Gore to make a decision.

The clock is ticking. We are deep into the 11th hour. There are fewer than 90 days until the first votes are cast. And filing deadlines to be on the ballot start closing in just days.

You deserve to know. Is Al Gore in or out?