Bush set to fund anti-choice centers

By Cecile Richards
President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America

We have just received news that President Bush is trying to
sell-out women’s health in the most unbelievable way. Here’s

The Bush administration is about to release a rule that will
make it possible for federal funding that is specifically
designed to prevent unintended pregnancy and promote
reproductive health to now be used for anything but that.

If it happens, it will be a massive betrayal of women and
families, and we must stop it. We need you to
speak out. Please let President Bush know that this change is
very wrong by clicking here.

A little background on this outrageous situation…

We’ve known for some time that anti-choice extremists have
wanted President Bush to deliver them some sort of “gift” before
he leaves office. This rule change is just that gift. And here’s
what one of the most egregious results could be:

Right now, anti-choice groups run so-called “crisis pregnancy
centers” in communities all around the country — often a block
or two away from Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers.
These facilities look like health centers, but in reality are
run by anti-choice zealots who deliver only the reproductive
health care options that fit their agenda. No birth control, no
abortion — and no choice for women and families who need it.

If this rule takes effect, they’re likely to receive a massive
influx of our tax dollars to expand their deceptive operations
and to attract hundreds of thousands of women who think they’ll
be getting medical care but instead will receive a large dose of
anti-choice ideology.

I believe that tricking women when they are most vulnerable is
wrong — and the federal government shouldn’t pay people to do

It gets worse. The rule would also require entities that receive
family planning funding, like Planned Parenthood, to certify
that we will not refuse to hire nurses and other providers who
object to abortion and even certain types of birth control.
Between deceptive “crisis pregnancy centers” delivering woefully
incomplete care and legitimate health centers with extremely
limited funding, hundreds of thousands of women are at enormous

We have a chance to stop it. So, beginning right now and with
your help, we are launching a massive public outcry against the
president’s rule.

One more thing — Planned Parenthood Federation of America has
been standing up for and serving women, men, and families in
this country for more than 90 years. The next few days and weeks
will be an immense challenge, but know this: We are here for
this fight. We need you here with us.