People’s $timulu$ Rally

April 1, 5:30 – 6:30pm • State House, Columbia

Gov. Mark Sanford is refusing to take $700 million in stimulus money that South Carolinians will have to pay for even if we don’t use.

Tell the governor to quit grandstanding at our expense!

If the governor does not sign the stimulus agreement by April 3, thousands of South Carolina’s teachers and public safety employees risk losing their jobs, and student will face increased tuition costs at our colleges and universities.

Join teachers, public workers and students who are facing cutbacks, layoffs and increasing debts to tell the governor it’s OUR money!

Instead of pouring our money into bailing out wealthy bankers, we need government investments that create new jobs, provide health care and quality education for all, end the foreclosure epidemic and support sustainable, clean energy.

If you cannot attend the rally but want to make your voice heard, please contact the governor by calling 803-734-2100, faxing 803-734-5167 or by emailing from the governor’s web site.

The rally is sponsored by the SC Progressive Network. For details, call 803-808-3384.

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