Anti-choice posters banned from State House

Columbia Christians for Life issued this press release today. Steve Lefemine (who often travels with large posters with photos of bloody fetuses) and Johnny Gardner (who prefers the doll-on-a-stick prop) for years have been fixtures at public gatherings and at the State House.


“Jesus,” “Ten Commandments,” “Pre-Born” and other signs no longer “the people’s house”

Contact, Steve Lefemine, (803) 794-6273

On Wednesday, April 29, officers with the SC Bureau of Protective Services (State Capitol police) stopped two Christian pro-life ministry leaders, who for years have been lobbying the Republican-majority SC Legislature to pass SC Personhood bills to END abortion in South Carolina, from entering the SC State House with Biblical and Pro-Life signs, as had been allowed for multiple years (digital date-stamped photos going back to 2005 are available).

Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn was even prevented from taking a small baby stroller with two baby dolls, into the Capitol. Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life was stopped from using two signs in the Capitol, one sign saying, “JESUS Saves, Forgives & Heals” and then the “Ten Commandments” with all 10 listed; and a second sign, with a photo of an 8-Week Pre-Born Baby and then “ABORTION KILLS CHILDREN” on one side, and on the other side, an enlarged House Roll Call budget vote in 2002 that funded abortion, birth control, and sterilization (as the SC House and Senate continue to do each year to this day).

Gardner and Lefemine were shown copies of SC Code Sec. 10-11-330 which prohibits disorderly conduct, and also prohibits anyone “to parade, demonstrate or picket within the capitol building.” Notwithstanding this statute, free speech expression in the form of signs has been allowed inside the State House in both the First Floor and Second Floor lobbying areas that are open to the public, for a number of years. The ban applies to all signs except those displayed at news conferences held in the Capitol.

Gardner and Lefemine have worked in the State House for years attempting to influence the Republican-majority SC Legislature to do their God-given duty and protect pre-birth humans from being murdered in the wombs of their mothers. Despite more than 50 bill co-sponsors in the SC House, and more than a dozen in the SC Senate, the Republican leadership in the SC House and SC Senate is not supporting the legislation. Neither is Republican Governor Mark Sanford. The 11-year-old personhood legislation to END abortion in SC was first introduced in the SC House and SC Senate in 1998.

Gardner and Lefemine were able to enter the Capitol Building on April 29 after leaving their items behind. Upon investigation, Lefemine learned that a number of parties had agreed to begin enforcement of the sign ban, including the Sergeant at Arms for the Senate, and the Sergeant at Arms for the House, the Field Commander for the Bureau of Protective Services, and others. Noticeably absent from the list of those involved in this decision to chill free speech in what has previously been known as “the people’s house” was the State House Committee chairman, who has scheduled a Tuesday, May 12 meeting in the Blatt Building, Room 318, to address the matter. (Time TBD est. approx. 2 PM) Comment by the public is planned.


6 thoughts on “Anti-choice posters banned from State House

  1. Your title is a bit misleading — if you read the article carefully you’ll see that all signs have been banned – not just those promoting justice and protection for preborn children.

  2. While I disagree with your position on safe, legal abortion and, probably, almost any other controversial issue, I favor the exercise of free speech whenever possible. Since the statute permits signs in the capitol during “news conferences,” I would suggest you schedule as many news conferences as the law allows. It is not your fault if the news media fails to show up but, given the stir you have created already, my guess is that they will.
    Keep pushing the limits – it’s good for democracy!

  3. I am opposed to restricting free speech in the State House. Concerns about turning the arena into a circus are belated. Bring on the clowns.

  4. Columbia Christians for Life issued this press release today.



    However May 12 State House Committee meeting still scheduled

    The “good news” is that the April 29 sign ban in the SC State House has been lifted.     

    Concern remains however as to what might come from a May 12 State House Committee meeting and hearing

    Free speech advocates of the public are invited to come and show your support for:

    FREE SPEECH IN THE SC STATE HOUSE – “the people’s house”
    – Tuesday, May 12, at 3 PM
    – Room 318, Blatt Building (House Office Building), SC State House Complex
    (at the corner of Assembly Street and Pendleton Street, Columbia, SC)

    The May 12 hearing will afford the opportunity for people to speak for 3 – 5 minutes.

    A threat to the free speech [ justice, sanctity of life, etc. ] of anyone,

    is a threat to the free speech [ justice, sanctity of life, etc. ] of everyone.

  5. No one is saying anything about the effects these grusome pictures may be having on the kids who are seeing them!! I am all for free speech. And although my beliefs on abortion are irrelevant, if we allow these graphic grusome pictures on the street for all to see, why not let the anti-pornography folks display posters of people having graphic sex, or the Mothers Against Drunk Driving display graphic pictures of the victims mangled bodies for all to see? This is outrageous!!

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