Care about community? Come to the next hearing on the future of Midlands’ public transportation

June 19, 6pm

Richland County Council Chambers, 2020 Hampton St.

(Come by 5:30pm to get a free public transit T-shirt.)

Richland County Council is holding a public hearing on funding public transportation for the next 20 years. Council is proposing an additional county-wide penny sales tax for roads, buses and pathways. We support the penny tax, but strongly believe that the bus system and DART are being under-funded.

Council’s own consultant recommended 60% for roads, 33% for public transit and 7% for pathways. Council is proposing a formula that gives roads 71%, public transit 25% and pathways 4%.

Since roads have other sources of funding and public transit and pathways are always under-funded, Council should put the consultants’ funding formula on the November ballot.

Come to the hearing, or contact your County Council representative and tell them to fund a modern public transit that will:

  • Create jobs and stimulate economic growth
  • Reduce our dependence on foreign energy
  • Ease congestion on our highways
  • Protect the environment
  • Dramatically increase frequency of service, longer hours and effective feeder routes

For more information, contact the SC Progressive Network: 803-808-3384 or

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