New Mexico poised to kill the death penalty

Yesterday the New Mexico Senate voted 24-18 to repeal the death penalty in New Mexico and replace it with a sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole. House Bill 285 passed the House last month and now goes to Gov. Bill Richardson for his signature. When he signs this bill, New mexico will become the second state in as many years to legislatively abolish the death penalty.

Our work is not yet done. I ask you to take a few minutes right now to contact Gov. Richardson and ask him to sign House Bill 285 as soon as possible.

Gov. Richardson’s office has set up a hotline to receive opinions on the issue. That number is 505-476-2225. To weigh in via e-mail, do so through the governor’s web site and clicking on “Contact the Governor.”

“This is an extremely difficult issue that deserved the serious and thoughtful debate it received in the Legislature,” Richardson said in a prepared statement. “I have met with many people and will continue to consider all sides of the issue before making a decision.”

Thank you. 

Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director of Affiliate Support
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

2 thoughts on “New Mexico poised to kill the death penalty

  1. The Albuquerque Journal is running an on-line poll. It’s neck and neck,
    with our side down about 30 votes, with votes rapidly stacking up.
    NCADP has generated 700+ click through’s to the poll since midnight last
    night, and its still pretty even. This means the other side is pushing
    it too. We need your help Please click on the link below to vote and
    ask others to do so as well and asap.

  2. There is another on-line poll to weigh in on. Please go to The Montana Standard, scroll down to the Question of the Week (on the right side), and vote accordingly. Please do this immediately. While it seems trivial, and it is certainly unscientific, there is a purpose behind it. I want to thank those of you who helped with a similar poll in New Mexico in the final days of that campaign – it made a BIG DIFFERENCE.

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