Protect Contraceptive Access on Campus

A poorly crafted provision of Congress’ 2006 Deficit Reduction Act changed the rule allowing pharmaceutical companies to offer some providers low-cost drugs – ultimately making it harder for college and university health clinics to offer students affordable birth control!

Since this law went into effect last January, birth control prices on college campuses have skyrocketed: birth control pill packs have increased from $10 to $40-$50 and have become unaffordable for many young women.

Why should you care? Because at least 69% of females and 64% of males ages 18-19 report having had sexual intercourse, and 54% of unwanted pregnancies occur among women in their twenties.

Thankfully, there’s a fix. Contact South Carolina’s 6th District U.S. Congressman James E. Clyburn today!

Tell Clyburn to ask Rep. John D. Dingell, Chairman of the U.S. House Commerce Committee on Energy and Commerce, to attach proposed “fix it” language to the Deficit Reduction Act before it expires on September 30th! As the House Majority Whip, Rep. Clyburn is in a powerful position to help attach this language to the bill. 

Call Congressman Clyburn at 1-888-546-0006.

P.O. Box 11531
Columbia, SC 29211
