Thank you, Ruth Thomas!


Ruth Thomas chats with Jeff Koob at the Free Speech Pay-In outside the courthouse in Columbia in 2004.

Today’s paper featured a front-page profile on Ruth Thomas, the 87-year-old activist and founder of Environmentalists Inc. She has been a longtime member of the Network, and it’s great to see her get the recognition she deserves.

She calls our office about once a month, and I know it will be a longish conversation with her talking way over my head about some environmental crisis or other (this state has so many it’s hard to keep up with it all). She is passionate, very bright, and a force to be reckoned with, as so many hired suits have discovered in hearings over the years.

If ever there were one, Ruth is an argument for cloning. If we had more of her, imagine what we could accomplish.

Be inspired; read Sammy Fretwell’s story in today’s edition of The State.

Becci Robbins