Obama wins SC New Democrats e-poll

“New Democrats” Pessimistic About Future, Concerned About Economy

With 30% of the vote, Sen. Barack Obama won the South Carolina New Democrats’ e-poll with Hillary Clinton and John Edwards tied at 26% each and with 17% undecided. Results of the statewide e-poll were released today and offer a glimpse of what might be in store for 2008 South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary. The e-poll was conducted completely online via e-mail and the SC New Democrats’ website, thus showcasing how technology can be used to open up the political process and give every citizen a chance to have their opinions and ideas heard.

“Technology is changing every part of our lives and we need to find new ways to use the technology to give more people a voice in the political process. With over a thousand people taking part, clearly this is a good way for people to have their voices heard,” said Phil Noble, President of the SC New Democrats.

As part of the e-poll, people were asked to suggest questions that they would like to see asked of each of the candidates during the Democratic Presidential Debate to be help in Myrtle Beach. Over 2,200 questions were submitted and will be given to the organizers of the debate.

“These questions are from the people of South Carolina, not some TV personality from Washington or New York’, said Noble. “These questions are what’s on the minds of South Carolina and their voices should be heard.”

This e-poll focused on the three Democratic candidates for president as well as a variety of important issue nationwide and in South Carolina. Voters were also asked which of our neighboring states was their least favorite. Georgia ran away with the title of least favorite neighborhood – perhaps recent college football games have something to do with the results.

The e-poll was conducted from Jan 11 -18 and 1036 people participated. The e-poll is not a scientific public opinion poll but reflects the opinions and ideas of those who participated. Those taking the e-poll were disproportionately white, older and more from the Lowcountry that the population of the state as a whole.
Full results of the e-poll are available on the SC New Democrats This entry was posted in SC News/Commentary by Becci. Bookmark the permalink.