Immigration, then and now

On Jan. 4, 1848, South Carolina’s most revered statesman, John C. Calhoun, made the following remarks to Congress when he was faced with the reality that “All Mexico” might be incorporated into the United States as a result of our victory in the Mexican American War:
“[W]e have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race—the free white race. To incorporate Mexico, would be the very first instance of the kind, of incorporating an Indian race; for more than half of the Mexicans are Indians, and the other is composed chiefly of mixed tribes. I protest against such a union as that! Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race…”

Racism was at the root of the Mexican issue in 1848 and racism is at the root of it today. Anyone who actually believes Sen. McConnell and Rep. Harrell when they tell us that “immigration is the most important issue facing South Carolina today” should suggest to them that we prosecute illegal Canadians first… and watch what happens.

Immigration is at the top of the legislative agenda this year because pinning all of our state’s ills on those who don’t have the ability to fight back has been the favorite sport of politicians in South Carolina for centuries.

McConnell and Harrell are morphing into Tillman and Blease.

Charlie Smith, Charleston

One thought on “Immigration, then and now

  1. We have created a website for recent and potential immigrants to the US to help with surviving and thriving in the US. The site is and includes articles, links, and a podcast with resources and information to help immigrants. Most articles are in English and Spanish though the podcast is all English (so far). We are looking to get the word out about the site to those who can benefit from it’s information and are also looking for additional contributes of content in terms of links to sites of use to immigrants, ideas for articles or new content, or the articles themselves if you’d like to write something to help those who come to the US who could learn from your early experiences.

    The site’s been online only about 3 weeks and we’ve already had visitors from 15 countries and about 100 cities but we need to both add more content and get more publicity to really grow things to a level to reach more people.

    You can email me with suggestions or content to Thanks.

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