Your donation can help educate and mobilize voters

In the last few months, the SC Progressive Network’s nonpartisan Education Fund registered hundreds of SC voters, educating them on Medicaid expansion and what’s at stake in the midterm elections. The outreach primarily targeted the 203,000 registered voters of color whose health care was denied by the current governor.

We printed and are distributing 30,000 cards comparing the gubernatorial candidates’ positions on Medicaid expansion. We are mailing thousands of cards to voters who fall into the Medicaid gap, and will be making 30,000 robo-calls to advise them to vote on Nov. 6.

To date, we have spent nearly $9,000 but have raised just $6,500. Unfortunately, some of the people and entities that had promised to help fund our effort did not follow through. We need an additional $2,438 to get the job done. Can you help?

Support our work on voter mobilization by clicking DONATE. (Donations are not tax-deductible.)Omari Fox (left) and Col. Tim Pearson do voter education and mobilization at the Columbia Housing Authority’s Fall Festival.