Death of Dr. George Tiller “incalculable loss”

Statement from Sharon Camp, Guttmacher Institute president and CEO

The Guttmacher Institute joins the reproductive health community in expressing our shock and sadness at the murder of Dr. George Tiller, a Kansas physician who dedicated his life to providing abortion care to women in need—including later-term abortions to women in the most difficult of circumstances. Dr. Tiller did so despite decades of harassment, vandalism, threats and violent attacks by antiabortion activists.

The number of U.S. abortion providers has been declining for many years; as a result, a growing number of women have difficulty obtaining abortion services in a timely manner. The overwhelming majority of abortion providers offer services in the first trimester, when nearly 90% of abortions occur. But at later gestations—when abortions due to fetal anomalies and threats to a woman’s health or life are more common—only 2% of all abortion providers offer the procedure, leaving women in need of later term abortions with very few safe, legal options.

The death of Dr. Tiller is a senseless tragedy. Dr. Tiller risked his life on a daily basis to ensure that women had access to safe, legal reproductive health services. For the women he helped over the years, as well as those who will now have nowhere else to turn, this is an incalculable loss.

“Murderer Tiller” stirs activist passion

While the most visible “pro-life” organizations have publicly denounced yesterday’s murder of Dr. George Tiller, the tragedy has unleashed a torrent of eye-for-an-eye comments on blogs that is chilling.

Columbia Christians for Life issued the following press release. Feel free to contact the organization’s director, Steve Lefemine, whose information is included at the end.


May 31, 2009

Today a mass murderer was killed by another murderer. George Tiller should have been brought to justice a long time ago, tried for his many crimes of murder, and upon a verdict of guilty for his thousands of counts of murder, executed for his crimes. However, the use of force of arms in the manner employed today by Tiller’s murderer, cannot be justified. It must be condemned.

America has failed to ESTABLISH JUSTICE in law for pre-birth human beings for over 36 years, and so Murderer Tiller was never arrested for the charge of murder, and, through due process of law, tried, sentenced, and executed for his thousands of capital crimes.

If a State/US Congress would statutorily establish legal personhood at fertilization without exceptions, JUSTICE (not just Regulation) would be ESTABLISHED, and the Murder of 3,000 Children Per Day in the Wombs of the Mothers in that State/America would END.

America has become a nation of bloodshed. In over 36 years, over 50 Million children have been murdered in America by surgical abortion alone, let alone probably multiple times that number by chemical abortion, including birth control pills, which are both contraceptive and abortifacient. 

Today America continues to murder over 1 Million children every year, over 3,000 PER DAY by surgical abortion. The land is polluted with innocent blood (Genesis 4:10, Numbers 35:33, Proverbs 6:16,17, 2 Kings 24:1-4) and God is bringing His Divine Judgement upon America.

Part of that Divine Judgement is the oppressive creeping socialism, fascism and marxism of the Obama administration (Psalm 106:37-44). It will not be surprising if the Obama administration uses this incident to unleash a backlash upon pro-lifers. We have already seen how CFR-member Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security Dept. tried to paint all of us who oppose the murder of innocent children in the womb as right-wing extremists.

The Bible records that God said to the wicked people of Israel in Hosea’s day:

“Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.” Hosea 4:1, KJB

Or, bloodshed follows bloodshed. The bloodshed in the womb for over 36 years has been followed by bloodshed on our streets, in homes, in workplaces, in schools, and in churches. America has become a nation of bloodshed.

And again, God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel:

“Therefore, as I live, saith the LORD GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee.” Ezekiel 35:6, KJB

America has not hated the bloodshed of pre-birth innocent human beings, and so as a Divine Judgement, bloodshed is pursuing us.

Over 140 years ago, over 620,000 Americans died in the War Between Americans. God judged America for her national sin of American slavery. Today God is judging America for the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion. 9-11, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Katrina, the Illegal Immigrant Invasion, and the Financial and Economic Crisis are all manifestations of this ongoing and increasing Divine Judgement. More and greater Divine Judgement is coming upon America for the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion unless we repent.

The response of Christians in America to today’s murder of mass murderer George Tiller should be to fall on our faces before Godand ask God’s forgiveness for our CORPORATE BLOODGUILT (e.g., Deut. 21:1-9) and for failing to love and obey God enough to love our unborn neighbors as we love ourselves more than we have for decades. It is the shedding of innocent blood of 3,000 children a day that is bringing God’s Wrath upon America. The wicked, pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-NWO Obama Presidency and Adminstration is an instrument in God’s Hand to bring upon that Judgement, just as Nebuchadnezzar was an instrument of God’s Judgement upon Judah in 605 BC (2 Kings 24:1-4) and the years following, until Judah’s utter destruction in 586 BC.

When Christians have truly repented, will we not see numbers of Christians on their faces outside the 700+ death camps in America, crying out to God for mercy upon our land to stop the killing ???

I pray so.

When Christians have truly repented, will we not see more Christians demanding their legislators pass Personhood legislation to ESTABLISH JUSTICE for the pre-born to END ABORTION, and not just perennially find new ways to REGULATE MURDER (parental consent, informed consent, clinic regulation, 24 hour wait, ultrasound bills, ad nauseam…) ???

I pray so. 

When Christians love our unborn neighbors as we love ourselves, the American Holocaust will end.

2 Chronicles 7:14 – God’s remedy for America to be healed is for we who are CHRISTIANS to REPENT !

“If My people [Christians], which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways [sins of commission and omission]; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [America, or any nation].”  2 Chronicles 7:14, KJB

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC
(803) 794-6273

Sotomayor champions campaign finance reform

Nick Nyhart, Public Campaign Action Fund

This week’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court could add an ally of campaign finance reform to the nation’s highest judicial body. Sotomayor was a member of New York City’s Campaign Finance Board in its earliest days, helping establish the city’s successful system of publicly financed elections.

In a 1996 Suffolk Law Review article, co-authored with Nicole Gordon, the Board’s executive director at that time, Sotomayor writes:

“We would never condone private gifts to judges about to decide a case implicating the gift-givers’ interests. Yet our system of election financing permits extensive private, including corporate, financing of candidates’ campaigns, raising again and again the question what the difference is between contributions and bribes and how legislators or other officials can operate objectively on behalf of the electorate. Can elected officials say with credibility that they are carrying out the mandate of a ‘democratic’ society, representing only the general public good, when private money plays such a large role in their campaigns?”

Her confirmation would stand in contrast to the arrivals of Justices Roberts and Alito to the Supreme Court. Both have taken a negative stance towards the regulation of campaign money. There’s more to see in this article from Politico.

Gilda for Governor?


Gilda Cobb-Hunter (D-Orangeburg) speaks at the People’s Stimulus Rally April 1 at the State House.


It’s been seven long years since a movement to draft Gilda Cobb-Hunter to run for governor ran into a roadblock: the prospective candidate herself. “South Carolina isn’t ready for a black woman to be governor,” she said. She declined to enter the race against Jim Hodges, and Mark Sanford was elected governor.

The buzz among friends who know her best is that she is open to reconsidering a run for governor or, perhaps, taking on Sen. Jim DeMint for his US Senate seat.

A lot has changed in seven years, not the least of which is that we have a black man in the White House. White men — from president, to governor to the legislature — have proven their inability to meaningfully address the problems facing our state and nation; it may well be time for Gilda to reconsider her earlier hesitancy.

The Democratic Party is fielding some nice guys to contend for its nomination for governor. Sen. Vince Sheheen of Camden, Rep. Harry Ott of Calhoun County, and Mullins McLeod of Charleston are names being mentioned. But they don’t resonate with the demand for substantive change that could inspire new South Carolina voters. We can’t expect their candidacies to be far removed from the traditional Democratic strategy of playing to the right of center to pick off a couple of percentage points from the Republican vote. This is the “Republican Lite” strategy that has failed for the past 30 years.

But what if a bold candidate spoke to the 43 percent of South Carolinians who did not vote in the last election?

To put it in perspective, McCain got 1,034,896 votes in South Carolina’s last general election; Obama got 862,449. That adds up to 1,897,345 South Carolinians who voted. Sitting it out were 1,472,048 of the voting-age population (24 percent of them registered voters) who didn’t vote. That’s an untapped market of 43 percent of folks in this state who could vote but chose not to.

We only need to mobilize 12 percent of the people who don’t vote to turn the state blue. Of all the Democratic candidates mentioned, Gilda has the magic to make this happen. She is the one person in the legislature who be counted on to vote in the interest of working people, minorities and the disenfranchised. Her candidacy for governor or US Senate would inject a level of enthusiasm into the race — helping all Democratic candidates — that nobody else could provide.

What do you think? Email to voice your opinion. Should Gilda run for governor, US Senate, or stay in the State House?


Sign spotted at a rally a few years ago suggests how loved Gilda is among her constituents.

People’s Stimulus Rally Makes Waves


On April 1, thousands rallied at the State House in Columbia to urge Gov. Mark Sanford to accept the stimulus money for South Carolina. The rally was organized by the SC Progressive Network. Here are some links to videos, photos and a sampling of news clips of the event.

Thanks to everyone who turned out to make the rally such a huge success!

Sorry this is so late in coming, but the Network’s web site, and this blog, were hacked twice in a week, and it has taken us some time to fix the problem. Funny that we were hacked just as news of this event was making headlines here and nationally. Whether coincidence or not, the timing could not have been worse. Just when traffic was at its peak, those tuning in to our site were greeted with what amounts to digital graffiti that included threats and expletives. We regret any confusion or offense it may have caused.

Becci Robbins
SC Progressive Network Communications Director

To view comments about this video, click here. Truly sad. And scary.

To view photos from the rally, see the Network’s photo album here.

April 2, 2009, NPR Morning Edition

SC Governor Being Pressured to Take the Stimulus

April 2, 2009, WLTX-TV

Hundreds Rally to Urge Governor to Take Stimulus

April 2, 2009, AOL-TV

Crowd Shots from the People’s Stimulus Rally

April 2, 2009, WOLO-TV

Time is Running Out for Sanford’s Stimulus Decision

April 2, 2009,

Protesters in South Carolina Demand Gov. Take Stimulus Money

April 2, 2009, The State

Rally urges Sanford to ‘Take the money’ – Educators, students, lawmakers rally at State House

April 1, 2009, WIS-TV

Protesters Hope Sanford Takes the Money

April 1, 2009, WBRV

Saga Over Stimulus

April 1, 2009

Hundreds Show up to Protest

It’s all about Mark Sanford — again

By Joseph Neal
(Rev. Neal served as Co-chair of the SC Progressive Network for a decade)
Guest Columnist, The State

Author and pastor Rick Warren begins his transformative book, The Purpose Driven Life, with a simple statement: “It’s not about you.”

As Gov. Mark Sanford engages the General Assembly in political gamesmanship over accepting federal stimulus dollars, his actions should prove to South Carolinians that despite his words to the contrary, it’s not about you.

Don’t be confused. Whether or not the governor accepts the money has nothing to do with the potential impact on you, your family or your quality of life.

So, to the more than 4 million residents of our state, it’s not about you.

To the 1,000 to 6,000 public school teachers facing layoffs if the money is rejected, it’s not about you.

To the hundreds of thousands of school children facing larger class sizes, fewer gifted and talented course offerings and fewer textbooks and supplies, it’s not about you.

To the business owners who rely on state government or the workers it employs to survive, it’s not about you.

To the 241,000 residents currently unemployed, it’s not about you.

Even to the 601,868 of you who voted for Sanford in the 2006 general election, it’s not about you.

And especially to the 170 members of the General Assembly, it’s not about you.

If nothing else, this continuing controversy should confirm once and for all that the governor does not have — and has not had — the best interest of South Carolinians at heart. For six years, the governor has used his bully pulpit to mislead and misinform residents, resulting in alternating tides of fear and anger.

He has manufactured controversies and exaggerated differences with the General Assembly for the sole purpose of either garnering more power for himself or defunding and destabilizing state government. Those are the only two end products of his political agenda.

The debate over school vouchers is nothing more than a vehicle to limit funding to public education by diverting it elsewhere. The governor’s persistent calls for eliminating the personal income tax is merely a means to take away the most stabile revenue source — even in a downturn — for state government.

With the controversy surrounding the stimulus money, the governor gets to accomplish both goals. The stimulus bill affords the governor new-found power to shape the budget debate. And he has used his position to catapult himself into the national spotlight. At the same time, he has more authority than ever to severely limit or destabilize state government. For Sanford, the stimulus debate, as the political pundits say, is a perfect storm.

Sanford does not believe in the power of government to better the lives of citizens. The governor does not believe in the responsibility of government to be a safety net for those who are less fortunate or cannot help themselves.

His attacks on state government will have the net effect of shrinking our state’s middle class. This is particularly troubling for African-American residents, who hold a greater share of managerial positions in state government than in the private sector.

The governor’s attacks on public education threaten to exacerbate economic and racial disparities in our state. Education is our society’s greatest equalizer. Keeping our residents poor and ignorant makes the state attractive only to those types of businesses that will keep them in subjugation.

Rev. Warren’s words were intended to remind us to move beyond being self-absorbed and find God’s purpose for our lives by helping one another. This is particularly true for anyone desiring to be a public servant. So, Mark Sanford, enough. It’s not about you.

Rev. Neal represents Richland and Sumter counties in the S.C. House.

New Mexico poised to kill the death penalty

Yesterday the New Mexico Senate voted 24-18 to repeal the death penalty in New Mexico and replace it with a sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole. House Bill 285 passed the House last month and now goes to Gov. Bill Richardson for his signature. When he signs this bill, New mexico will become the second state in as many years to legislatively abolish the death penalty.

Our work is not yet done. I ask you to take a few minutes right now to contact Gov. Richardson and ask him to sign House Bill 285 as soon as possible.

Gov. Richardson’s office has set up a hotline to receive opinions on the issue. That number is 505-476-2225. To weigh in via e-mail, do so through the governor’s web site and clicking on “Contact the Governor.”

“This is an extremely difficult issue that deserved the serious and thoughtful debate it received in the Legislature,” Richardson said in a prepared statement. “I have met with many people and will continue to consider all sides of the issue before making a decision.”

Thank you. 

Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director of Affiliate Support
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Obama Administration continues US military global dominance

By Peter Phillips
Project Censored

The Barack Obama administration is continuing the neo-conservative agenda of US military domination of the world — albeit with perhaps with a kinder-gentler face. While overt torture is now forbidden for the CIA and Pentagon, and symbolic gestures like the closing of the Guantanamo prison are in evidence, a unilateral military dominance policy, expanding military budget, and wars of occupation and aggression will likely continue unabated.

The military expansionists from within the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, G. W. Bush administrations all put into place solid support for increased military spending. Clinton’s model of supporting the US military industrial complex was to hold steady defense spending and to increase foreign weapons sales from 16 percent of global orders to over 60 percent by end of his administration.

The neo-conservatives, who dominated the most recent Bush administration, amplified this trend for increased military spending. The neo-cons laid out their agenda for military global dominance in the 2000 Project for a New American Century (PNAC) report Rebuilding America’s Defenses. The report called for the protection of the American Homeland, the ability to wage simultaneous theater wars, to perform global constabulary roles, and to control space and cyberspace. The report claimed that in order to maintain a Pax Americana, potential rivals — such as China, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea — needed to be held in check. Their military global dominance agenda required forward deployment of US forces worldwide and increasing defense/war spending well into the 21st century. The result was a doubling of the US military budget to over $700 billion in the last eight years. The US now spends as much on war/defense as the rest of the world combined making American taxpayers the highest war tax providers in the world.

Obama’s election brought a moment of hope for many. However, the Obama administration is not calling for deceased military spending, or a reversal of US military global dominance. Instead, Obama retained Robert Gates, thus making Obama the first president from an opposing party, in US history, to keep in place the outgoing administrations’ Secretary of Defense/War. Additionally, Obama is calling for an expanded war in Afghanistan and only minimal long-range reductions in Iraq.

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