Night school with George Lakoff

Ever wonder why simply stating our positions on the hot button issues isn’t enough to win votes? Or why Democrats who try and adopt conservative stances on issues usually lose their elections even in conservative districts?

Professor George Lakoff has the answers and will show us how to frame the solutions during the next Night School. On Thursday, July 17, Professor Lakoff will be the special guest trainer; highlighting specific thinking points from his new book “The Political Mind” and teaching the framing progressives need to know to win. Join us “Live from Netroots Nation” at a special time: 5:30pm Eastern.

The Political Mind with George Lakoff
Thursday 5:30pm Eastern Time


Howard Dean called Professor Lakoff “One of the most influential thinkers of the progressive movement.” Lakoff’s 2004 book Don’t Think of an Elephant taught progressives how to take back the message and expose Republican framing. He changed the way people speak about the issues and now he’s taken it to the next level with his new book.

We’ll be spending an hour with Professor Lakoff as part of this special Netroots Nation edition of DFA Night School.

Night School is DFA’s interactive online training program. Every month Night School brings top campaign experts right to your home at absolutely no cost to you. Simply visit here to sign up and get the info you’ll need to listen to the program live Thursday afternoon or listen to the recording on your own time. As always, Night School training will be accompanied by a slideshow that you can view from your computer.

Join Professor Lakoff at Netroots Nation and learn the secrets of the Political Mind.

Faux News

From Media Matters

On the July 2 edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends, co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade labeled New York Times reporter Jacques Steinberg and editor Steven Reddicliffe “attack dogs,” claiming that Steinberg’s June 28 article on the “ominous trend” in Fox News’ ratings was a “hit piece.” During the segment, however, Fox News featured photos of Steinberg and Reddicliffe that appeared to have been digitally altered — the journalists’ teeth had been yellowed, their facial features exaggerated, and portions of Reddicliffe’s hair moved further back on his head. Fox News gave no indication that the photos had been altered.

After putting up the photos of Steinberg and Reddicliffe, Fox & Friends also featured a photograph of Steinberg’s face superimposed over that of a poodle, while Reddicliffe’s face was superimposed over that of the man holding the poodle’s leash.

Comparing the two photos, it appears that the following changes have been made: Steinberg’s teeth have been yellowed, his nose and chin widened, and his ears made to protrude further.

Similarly, a comparison of the photo of Reddicliffe used by Fox News and the original photo suggests that Reddicliffe’s teeth have been yellowed, dark circles have been added under his eyes, and his hairline has been moved back.

Wage peace

Wade Fulmer, Columbia
member of Veterans for Peace

Beth, a mother and grandmother, is a Military Families Speak Out member who delivered this speech at a week ago conference.

The battles of blood for oil are far from over. Our soldiers and families and Iraqis continue to suffer by the unending occupations of two wars of six and seven years, killing our own, bomb bomb bombing McCainiac style Iraqi children and families by way of the madness of Administration and the lack of a Congress of conscience to govern by Our Own Constitution. The Congress continues bankrupt funding of carnage and refuse to hold Captiol Hill war criminal politicos responsible for killing and maiming war crimes against humanity. There is a Constitution, yes, that must be revived, lived! There is no Congress with the will to speak for peoples, to end their sufferings, deployment extensions, and stop loss betrayals of those who serve.

OUR America must strongly voice the inner outrage, must rebell against pharisean, unchristian, illegal, unconscionable war, its fear mongering myth, and the damn the peace arrogance of warful officials who are not representatives of the People. 

We on this 4th of July must reclaim and demand the rights of truth and Constitution to protect and defend for the care and honorable service that our soldier loved ones seek, to end the abusive murders of families and sovereign peoples. There is no obligation nor honor nor empathy as they suffer and die for the corporate war profits machine who bribe the Congress for monied bloodshed. Confront and hold officials accountable. Hold, protect and defend soldiers and families as your loved ones. 


Beth’s Speech

I have four scary words for you: we need to talk.

I need to share with you some of my experiences with Military Families Speak Out, a national organization with 4,000 members whose loved ones have served or are serving in the military.

And here’s the problem — unless you have skin in the game — and members of MFSO do, you may not understand what’s really at stake here, or even care. 

But we need each other.

Some of you may think that anyone who goes into the military is either stupid, blood-thirsty or deserving of what they get for fighting in an illegal and immoral war. But we know them as kids needing a job, health care or educational benefits. Good men and women just like your brothers and sisters — sons and daughters.

We, as a nation, have been sheltered from the reality of this war, but I’d like to share some of our experiences with you. Share what it is like to see the young Marine with his face burned beyond recognition, just eyes and a mouth, his ears and an arm missing — looking lost in a hospital cafeteria. 

To share with you what it’s like to spend Mother’s Day at Arlington Cemetery, accompanying mothers who go to visit their only children,  who lie buried among sea of other parents’ children who will never again know the embrace of their mother. Each is someone’s beloved child.

We need you to listen to us. We need you to HEAR us. 

Hear about Pierre Piche, who was killed in a helicopter crash in 2004. When Pierre wrote home to his family, he didn’t ask for things for himself, but rather for food to take care of the many stray animals around him. The last picture of him is with a donkey that had wandered into his tent. I think of him, and I see the picture of him holding a tiny puppy, with a wide smile across his face.

I think of my own daughter-in-law, who wrote that the children at the nearby refugee camp in Afghanistan had no warm clothes for the approaching winter, and asked us to send coats. And my MFSO friends did, until they had to find a storage place for the many, many boxes. I see a picture of her standing in the blowing snow with smiling children in only sweaters and sometimes barefoot. Her own three children were at home in Alaska. 

As a friend wrote to me recently, if you have a loved one in the military and dare proposing peace, you get a double whammy. You get criticized by many in the peace movement because your loved one is in the military, and then you are criticized by those believe you are undermining the morale of the troops by protesting the war.

The constant fear, 24/7, that harm will come to our family members will wrap around your heart until you feel sometimes you cannot breathe. When a loved one shares the deepest wounds, it is doubly painful. Painful that they are experiencing this, and painful that you can do nothing about it.

Here are the words of one of our MFSO sons:

The weather here is cooling off a bit, but Ramadaan has brought an increased level of bullshit in our area. I’m so angry. Angry isn’t the right word, but it’s simple. We’ve had a busy week. A busy week. Snipers, IEDs, EFPs, Mortars. I’ve seen the medevac chopper land in our compound three or four seperate times, and it starts to take it’s toll. Chunks of flesh. What the hell is chunks of flesh? Disgusting. Bones coming out of the body. Blood soaked stretchers. The cries in the darkness of grown men. I saw a grown man come up behind his buddy and hold him like sweethearts do. He rested his chin on the shoulder of his friend, and they wept together. What is this all about? I’m confused. I’m angry. And, I’m fighting a war on two fronts. One is plenty enough for one man to handle.

I’m still alive. Still here and counting the days. I miss you…

His mother went on to write:

This is what my son wrote to me today.

Now, the other “war” he is fighting is at home — where his wife has developed a “relationship” with an old love.

This brings up another issue — the effect of multiple deployments on the families. This is typical of several emails I have received from MFSO members:

Since everyone has a divorce story you can add my son. His divorce will be final in July… My daughter-in-law told me he had changed so much when he came back the first time but she was willing to stick with it. Now I have to wonder how much more his personality will have altered when he comes back from this second trip.

He still tells me he loves me and calls me mama so there is still some of my precious son in there, but until we are face to face, I will be left to wonder.

The entire family is affected when someone is deployed. Those who are affected most of all are the Gold Star families — -those who have lost a loved one. From one of our Ohio Gold star members:

I know my brother was murdered by his own government – first for getting him into an illegal war that should never have happened, and, second, for not giving him the equipment and tools to do the job they’d given him.

Every time one of our rights or freedoms is ripped away from us, it hurts more because I know my brother dedicated his adult life to making sure we had them. He loved the ideal of service to his country, as most soldiers do. To give up what he was willing to die for is a slap in his face and is a tear on mine.

It hurts to tell people that he’s dead. Saying the words is an acknowledgement, a dagger to any fantasy you might have about where he is and what he’s doing that you use to get by.

No, the pain doesn’t diminish. You just learn to live all over again. Thank goodness for my support network – family, friends and other military and Gold Star families – who help keep my knees from buckling and my heart from giving up.

To us Gold Stars, I think, it often feels like the whole world is walking by and ignoring this pain.

In Loving Memory of US Army SSG Edward W. Carman
Nov. 1976 – Apr.2004

As Military families, we stand to lose more from this failed war than any one other than the Iraqis, whose deaths and casualties and suffering goes unnoticed even more than the sacrifice of our own troops. More than 40 Iraqi refugees have been settled in Dayton since January, and I listen to the stories of their suffering with great sadness until I think my own heart can no longer hold any more pain. And you know who has really stepped up more than any other group to really help and support these refugees in our community? It has been veterans and military families.

Military families’ and veterans’ voices are an asset to the movement BECAUSE we have so much to lose — those we love. We will never grow bored with this fight or move on to other issues.
We will never give up this struggle. Support the troops — bring them home now!

Gen. Mukasey must admit mistakes

Today’s seventh annual conference on Ballot Access and Voting Integrity is intended by its founder Attorney General John Ashcroft to train US Attorneys about the perils of individual voters, mostly Democrats and minorities, cheating at the ballot box. The past six conferences have reflected the Justice Department’s shift from protecting voting rights to prosecuting supposed “voting fraud.”

“Attorney General Michael Mukasey has an opportunity today to refute the perversion of his agency’s mission” said Brett Bursey, Director of the SC Progressive Network, which work on voting rights. “Under the Bush Administration, the focus of the Justice Department has been a punitive effort against supposed voter fraud, as opposed to the historical role of the department to insure voter access to the polls.”

A recent study by the Brennan Center of the NY School of Law found that individual voter fraud (the type the Justice Department is focusing on) is “less likely than being struck by lightning while waiting in line to vote.” The Director of the SC Election Commission recently told a State House Judiciary subcommittee hearing a bill that would require additional ID to register to vote that she did not know of a single case of individual voter fraud in South Carolina.

Bursey reported a clear case of voter suppression to the Voting Section during the 2004 election. “I got the guy on the phone who had approved the Section 5 move of a precinct in Beaufort County from a fire station to a gated community. Voters had to go past a private security guard to get to the polling place. If your name wasn’t on the precinct list, they wouldn’t let you in, which violated the statute that lets one vote a provisional ballot. They don’t allow pedestrians, so you had to have a car to vote. The Section 5 attorney told me he wouldn’t have approved moving the precinct if he knew it was a gated community. I asked him if he would put that in writing so I could advise County Election Directors not to locate polling places in gated communities and he refused. I was later told by former Voting Section staff Dr. Toby Moore that the remaining staff was afraid to do anything that might anger their partisan bosses.”

More than half of the career employees of the Voting Rights Section of the Justice Department have resigned since 2005, citing ethical conflicts arising from the politicization of their jobs. Moore, who resigned from the Section in 2006, told a US House Judiciary Subcommittee last October, “Until someone in the Department, in this administration or the next, admits to the mistakes of the past several years and restores credible leadership, the Voting Section of Civil Rights Division will remain a wounded institution. That ultimately harms not only employees of the Voting Section and minority voters, but all Americans.”

“The Justice Department’s focus on ‘voting integrity’ has been exposed as a partisan effort to suppress Democratic votes,” Bursey said, “and we are looking to Attorney General Mukasey to put a stop to it.”

It was oil, all along

By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship

Oh, no, they told us, Iraq isn’t a war about oil. That’s cynical and simplistic, they said. It’s about terror and al Qaeda and toppling a dictator and spreading democracy and protecting ourselves from weapons of mass destruction.

But one by one, these concocted rationales went up in smoke, fire and ashes. And now the bottom line turns out to be….the bottom line. It is about oil.

Alan Greenspan said so last fall. The former chairman of the Federal Reserve, safely out of office, confessed in his memoir, “…Everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.”

He elaborated in an interview with the Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward, “If Saddam Hussein had been head of Iraq and there was no oil under those sands, our response to him would not have been as strong as it was in the first Gulf War.”

Remember, also, that soon after the invasion, Donald Rumsfeld’s deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, told the press that war was our only strategic choice.

“We had virtually no economic options with Iraq,” he explained, “because the country floats on a sea of oil.”

Shades of Daniel Plainview, the monstrous petroleum tycoon in the movie “There Will Be Blood.” Half-mad, he exclaims, “There’s a whole ocean of oil under our feet!” then adds, “No one can get at it except for me!”

No wonder American troops only guarded the Ministries of Oil and the Interior in Baghdad, even as looters pillaged museums of their priceless antiquities. They were making sure no one could get at the oil except… guess who?

Here’s a recent headline in The New York Times: “Deals with Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back.”

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Big Media cuts show independent news still essential

Last week newspaper publisher McClatchy Co., which owns five South Carolina newspapers, announced it is cutting 10 percent of its workforce. Columbia’s The State said cuts would affect about a dozen newsroom positions. The Sun News of Myrtle Beach said it would shed nine jobs, or about 3.6 percent of its staff. The Herald of Rock Hill said it would not eliminate any positions. The Beaufort Gazette and The Island Packet of Hilton Head have not said whether they will cut jobs.

What does this mean for readers? Chris Kromm, editor of Facing South, published by the Institute for Southern Studies, offers this analysis.


Reports that newspaper publisher McClatchy Co. is slashing 1,400 jobs this month — 10 percent of its national workforce — sent shockwaves through the media industry and served as a grim reminder of the precarious state of newspapers.

But McClatchy’s massive bloodletting raised a bigger question: When newspapers don’t have reporters, who’s keeping the public informed and shedding light on the state of democracy?

The cuts will be especially hard in the South, where McClatchy owns 15 newspapers. And although McClatchy insists cuts in news reporting will be less than seen at Gannett and other chains, newsrooms will definitely feel the knife.

A survey of the carnage: The Charlotte Observer will cut 123 jobs, or 11 percent of its workforce. The Miami Herald plans 250 job cuts, 17 percent of workers there. The Herald-Leader in Lexington, Ky. is dropping 17 positions. In Raleigh, N.C., the News & Observer is cutting a total of 70 jobs, 16 of them in the newsroom.

But not all will suffer equally. As the Lexington Newspaper Guild pointedly observed, McClatchy gave CEO Gary Pruitt an $800,000 bonus last year and just hired a new corporate vice president, even as the company’s stock was spiraling downward:

The Guild does not believe it is humane when employees who have put in a lifetime of service to McClatchy and KnightRidder are thrown to the curb, while McClatchy’s excessive corporate bureaucracy remains untouched.

McClatchy’s corporate mindset — so common in today’s Big Media — offers clues to the real problems facing newspapers. It’s not necessarily readership: As McClatchy admits, online readership grew 41 percent in the first quarter of 2008. The problem is an economic mismatch between declining ad revenues and shareholder demands for high profit margins on one hand, and the money needed for in-depth reporting on the other.

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Why two elections when one can do?

Turnout decreases and extra expense in SC’s runoff elections make case for instant runoff voting

South Carolina voters – or at least handfuls of them – went to the polls on June 24 for runoff elections in 11 state legislative elections two weeks after the June 10 initial round. In the district number 4 democratic runoff for State House of Representatives, Paul Corden won a majority with fewer than 7,800 votes after falling short of a majority in early June with 14,968 votes. Overall, turnout declined by more than 48% in his runoff, and declined by at least 20% in nine other runoffs for state office held by Republicans and Democrats. South Carolina taxpayers likely spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on these runoffs; North Carolina’s statewide runoff the same day (one drawing turnout of less than 2% of registered voters) cost $5 million.

FairVote‘s executive director Rob Richie said, “Ensuring winners of party nominations are not opposed by a majority of primary voters is a laudable goal. But the delayed, two-round runoff used in South Carolina isn’t working. It’s time to follow the suggestion of Senators John McCain and Barack Obama and adopt instant runoff voting in South Carolina.”

With instant runoff voting, voters have the option to rank candidates in order of preference rather than select only one choice. If no candidate receives a first choice majority, the two candidates with the most votes advance to the runoff. Ballots cast for eliminated candidates are added to the totals of the runoff candidates according to which candidate is ranked next on each ballot.

Instant runoff ballots have already been used by overseas and military voters during traditional runoffs in South Carolina since 2006. FairVote’s analysis of the 2006 elections shows high comprehension of the new system. In the eight counties where both Democratic and Republican voters had runoff elections, the valid ballot rate in the runoff was fully 100% — with all of these voters returning an instant runoff ballot casting valid ballots.

More than a dozen American cities have passed instant runoff voting or stated to use it. Sen. Barack Obama was the prime sponsor of Illinois legislation in 2002 to establish it for primaries, while Sen. John McCain that year recorded a phone announcement to support instant runoff voting in Alaska. Its advantages over delayed runoffs include: 1) less money spent on running elections; 2) fewer demands for candidates on raising money; 3) higher turnout in one election.


Runoff  Winner  Percent Decline in Turnout
State Senate District 10 – REP Dee Compton 23%
State Senate District 12 – REP Lee Bright 20%
State Senate District 13 – REP Shane Martin 16%
State Senate District 23 – REP Jake Knotts -9%
State House District 79 – REP David Herndon 34%
State Senate District 81 – REP Tom Young -3%
State House District 04 – DEM Paul Corden 48%
State Senate District 17 – DEM Creighton B Coleman 25%
State House District 101 – DEM Kenneth Ken Kennedy 41%
State House District 111 – DEM Wendell G Gilliard 33%
State House District 122 – DEM Curtis Brantley 20%

*Data for runoffs is preliminary, but reflects 100% of precincts reporting.

Bias in cocaine sentencing remains

By Kara Gotsch

Willie Mays Aikens was not a drug kingpin, but he received a kingpin-sized sentence for selling crack cocaine. A former Kansas City Royal and 1980 World Series record holder, Aikens received a 21-year sentence for selling 63 grams of crack. At the end of his baseball career he had become addicted to powder cocaine but had no previous record for drug distribution when an undercover officer asked him to sell the drugs that led to his lengthy incarceration in 1994. This month Aikens received a sentence reduction after 14 years in prison — authorized due to the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s determination that penalties for crack cocaine offenses are unnecessarily harsh. He returned to his major league hometown, Kansas City, to enter a halfway house, and hopes to soon reunite with his daughters, who live in Mexico with their mother.

Aikens’s release coincides this month with the 22-year anniversary of the death of Len Bias, another prominent sports figure who played basketball at the University of Maryland. His legendary cocaine overdose on the night he was drafted by the Boston Celtics launched the punitive legislative reaction by Congress that would later subject Aikens to a stiff mandatory sentence for selling crack cocaine.

The federal law that Bias’s death inspired, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, established a five-year mandatory sentence for offenses involving as little as five grams of crack cocaine, the weight of two sugar packets. Offenses for powder cocaine, a similar yet more expensive substance, only receive that penalty for 100 times the amount of the drug. The harm caused by the excessive crack cocaine sentences prescribed under the law has been decried by judges, civil rights groups, faith-based organizations and many others.

At the time Len Bias died it was assumed that his killer was crack cocaine. When the truth later emerged that his drug of choice was in fact powder cocaine the legislative damage had already been done. Policymakers’ rush to make ill-considered reforms to the laws during the 1980s did not end the war on drugs or stop crack cocaine addiction. Indeed, the harsh penalties are responsible for breaking up many families and wasting the lives of many youths who did not require a decade in prison to learn that their crime was wrong. The penalties also created an assumption among communities of color that equal justice does not apply to them.

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