Before the pandemic, the Modjeska Simkins School held a series of Sunday Socials that were open to the public. A guest speaker or panel made a presentation or screened a film, which was followed by a group discussion. Now, we do the next best thing on Zoom. The public is still welcome to join us for some excellent speakers on compelling topics, but must provide their own snacks.
So far, three public seminars have been set. More may be added, so look for email alerts and keep checking for a current schedule.
March 13, 4pm–6pm: Dr. Justene Edwards presents on her book Unfree Markets: The Slaves’ Economy and the Rise of Capitalism in South Carolina. Her research tracks the development of market capitalism by SC colonial slave masters.
March 27, 4pm–6pm: Dr. Vernon Burton will address Lincoln’s Unfinished Work, his Pulitzer nominated book, particularly as it pertains to South Carolina’s legacy of slavery and white supremacy in America. Dr Burton is a nationally recognized expert on Reconstruction.
May 1, 4pm–6pm: Screening of The Uprising of ’34, a documentary about the largest labor strike in American history with the epicenter in South Carolina. May Day is an international holiday celebrating working people — except in the USA. We’ll talk about why.
We’re just weeks away from the start of the 2022 session of the Modjeska Simkins School for Human Rights, and we can’t wait to meet the new students. Orientation is Feb. 20, with classes meeting Monday nights through June 27 on Zoom.
Dr. Robert Greene II will again serve as lead instructor, as he’s done since 2019. “The school has reminded me, time and again, why I decided to become a historian in the first place,” he said. “Talking to others who share my love of history and concern about community has been enriching.”
Dr. Greene is a rising star, and we are grateful that he is sharing his time and talent with us. He teaches history at Claflin University in Orangeburg, and has published more than 350 articles. Most recently, he co-edited the just-published book Invisible No More documenting the experiences of African Americans at USC over its 218-year history.
Dr. Bernie Gallman, who took the class two years in a row, said, “As the lies and the assault on truth continue, the Modjeska School is a breath of fresh air. It provides a correction of the lies that have been told in schools for generations, as well as a firewall against the lies being legislated today. Everyone should take this course.”
Other students offered comments about the school and how it strengthened their understanding of South Carolina and their capacity as advocates, citizens, and parents.
James Deweese, a retired pharmacist who graduated last year and has signed up for the 2022 session, said, “The Modjeska School made me a better man.”
His classmate Michael Moton will also repeat the course this spring. “My experience with the Modjeska School was both frustrating and exciting. Frustrating to know that we have been fighting for basic rights for too long, but exciting to know that people are there to guide the old and new alike.”
2017 graduate Sara Williams said, “The Modjeska School taught me things I never would have known but need to know to be a whole human. I am so glad to know about SC’s powerful women from the Grimke sisters to Harriet Hancock to Modjeska herself.”
Debbie Billings, who completed the course last year, said, “Thank you for coordinating a program that expanded and deepened my knowledge about where I live and who I am. Most importantly, I’ve been able to integrate a new depth of analysis into my teaching, activism, and everyday conversations.”
LaKisha M. Wheeler also graduated last year. “It was amazing to learn about Modjeska Simkins and the huge role she played in advocating for Black people,” she said. “I absolutely loved getting on Zoom every Monday and learning about where I was born and raised, and the issues Black people still struggle with today. Everything I learned I was able to talk to my children about. Thank you.”
Kyle Criminger, who graduated in 2015, said, “The Modjeska School took us on a haunted, enthralling trek through South Carolina’s stolen and denied history, giving me a long view and a wide perspective on the problems here. The work I am doing with fellow graduates allows us to carry out a shared commitment to the values and principles that South Carolinians like Modjeska Simkins herself have held and lived by. The school is a complete program and national model for community organizing.”
Melanie McGehee said, “Honestly, of the times I’ve left somewhere with a certificate, this is the one I’m most proud of.” She graduated in 2019 along with her 14-year-old son Ian McGehee.
Rev. Dr. Tom Summers, a retired United Methodist minister and a 2015 graduate, said, “I’ve been involved with the SC Progressive Network since its beginning, and this school is indeed one of the best products in their 26 years of fine work. For anyone interested in the historical and current struggle for racial conciliation in our state, I strongly recommend that they attend this unique school. I also urge every congregation to sponsor a student.”
If you or your organization wishes to sponsor a student or contribute to a scholarship fund, email or all 803-808-3384. The SC Progressive Network Education Fund’s annual financial reports are available at
For more on the school, class schedule, or to fill out an application, see Tuition may be paid in monthly installments. Some needs-based scholarships available. Deadline to apply is Feb. 16.
The 2022 South Carolina legislative session has just begun. Voting reform, critical race theory, redistricting, the loosening of gun restrictions, access to healthcare (or the lack thereof), challenges to trans rights, and the relentless assault on women’s reproductive rights are all expected to be among the losses this year. While we always need to protest injustice and inequality, we also need to understand that we cannot vote our way out of the currently rigged system; we must organize our way out. This calls for the effective and strategic citizenship — expressly designed for South Carolina’s problems — that we teach in the Modjeska School. With that, we are pleased to announce that enrollment for the 2022 session of the Modjeska Simkins School for Human Rights is officially open.
The session will be held on Zoom, and runs from Feb. 20 through June 27, with regular classes each Monday night and graduation scheduled for July 2. The curriculum includes a people’s history of South Carolina designed to provide a framework for understanding our current political, economic, and social conditions, to inspire and caution us, and to inform and guide our organizing efforts. Our intent is to graduate effective citizens who can effectuate radical change in unjust systems and improve life in South Carolina. Tuition is $350, and some scholarship assistance is available.
Two students from our 2021 session gave their perspectives on what the school offered them:
“As the lies and the assault on truth continue, the Modjeska School is a breath of fresh air. It is an oasis of truth in a steadily expanding desert of lies. It provides a correction of the lies that have been told in schools for generations as well as a firewall against the legislated lies being told today. Everyone should take this course.” Dr. Burnett Gallman
“The Modjeska School provides like-minded South Carolinians focused on community activism a place to learn their history and resistance tactics.” Amber Pelham
As Modjeska Simkins herself wrote in 1946, “It must be conceded that at this very hour more so than at any time in the history of this nation, there is urgent need for the development of progressive thinkers to become the leaders of tomorrow.” Whether you’re a seasoned revolutionary, a new organizer, or simply a concerned citizen, we invite you (or someone you think would be a good fit) to apply.
Click HERE for details on the 2022 class schedule and topics. Several Sunday sessions are open to the public.
This Giving Tuesday, we’re asking for your help. We have exciting plans for next year, but one of the biggest is raising enough money to finish setting up shop on Elmwood Avenue — right next door to Modjeska Monteith Simkins’ historic home in the heart of Columbia. There, we will continue to strive for Modjeska’s lifelong vision of an equitable and truly democratic South Carolina, and we hope you will join us.
The building already belongs to us, but our next big step is making it yours and ours to use. We have lots of plans for our new home, which we’re calling GROW in a nod to the Network’s former name and space (Grass Roots Organizing Workshop). Some of the things we hope to bring to you include:
and meeting space for network members.
and library for Modjeska Simkins School alumni and students.
performance space, and showcase for local artists.
Rooftop deck for dreaming,
creating, organizing.
Can you help us reach our goal?
We are the only S.C.-focused, S.C.-based nonprofit organizing around a radical praxis, propelled by a beloved community that puts action to words. Your investment will help us develop the infrastructure needed to host and support that community.
In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, you can share your gift with a loved one. If you donate on behalf of someone, they will receive a letter making them aware of your gift. Be sure to include your honoree’s address in [the “Honoree Name” field]. You will also receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation by email.
Some maps are drawn by incumbents to protect their power. Some maps are drawn by well-meaning nonprofits looking to get the best deal they can out of a broken system. Some maps are drawn by those who believe it’s time to rethink the system itself. SC Progressive Network Director Brett Bursey explains how maps could be drawn to make SC elections more competitive and accountable to the voters.
The state Senate’s redistricting subcommittee met on Thursday to review maps submitted for their consideration by the public and nonprofits. SC Progressive Network Director submitted our proposed maps, designed to make elections more competitive in South Carolina.
Bursey reminded committee chair Sen. Luke Rankin that he was elected with 97 percent of the vote, a clear example of the lack of competition in our current system.
“People are trying to get the best deal they can out of this poorly designed system,” Bursey said, referring to the NAACP, the League of Women Voters, and others working on SC redistricting. “But somebody needs to point out what could be and what should be.”
“You will determine what will be,” he told the committee, “but I want to put it on record that we will continue to work hard to get you to support a constitutional amendment on a general election ballot to give the authority to draw the lines to the citizens, and to get the legislature out of the business.”