Labor, Community Groups Take Aim at Gov. Sanford’s Real Misdeeds

By Tim Wheeler
People’s Weekly World

South Carolina AFL-CIO President Donna DeWitt [and Chair of the South Carolina Progressive Network] quickly brushes aside questions about Gov. Mark Sanford’s tearful admission June 24 that he flew secretly to Argentina for a week-long tryst with a paramour.

His aides put out the story that Sanford, an avid hiker, had gone for a long walk on the Appalachian Trail to clear his mind after losing several bruising fights with the legislature. It turned out to be a lie. Instead he had flown to Buenos Aires pursuing his love affair with an Argentinian woman named “Maria.”

The story is pouring out in sordid detail, including steamy emails between the woman and Sanford, married and the father of four children. There are reports that the Governor, a fiscal barracuda who slashes programs that serve the poor, flew three times to Argentina at State expense. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Sanford, then a member of the House of Representatives, called on Pres. Bill Clinton to resign to restore “moral legitimacy” to the White House. He voted to impeach Clinton.

Yet DeWitt focuses instead on the other source of Sanford’s notoriety: His much publicized rejection of hundreds of millions of dollars in President Obama’s Economic Stimulus funds that South Carolina was to receive. The South Carolina legislature repeatedly overrode the Governor’s vetos of spending bills funded from the economic stimulus and a State Court recently overruled his rejection of the money.

“It’s a sad, sad story from a sad State,” DeWitt told the World in a phone interview from her office in Columbia, the state capital. “The Labor Council gave Sanford a 20 percent rating when he was in Congress. He slept on a futon in his Washington Office. But his door was open to labor. He came to the ILA picnic and brought his wife and kids. She comes from a very wealthy family and has always been his main political adviser.”

Sanford, she charged, “hasn’t been focused on running the State of South Carolina but rather on running for President. All the things he did flowed from his political ambitions.”

She stressed the dire economic crisis that afflicts the Palmetto State. “We needed the money,” she said, referring to the Obama stimulus funds. “Across the board we were looking at 20 percent cuts to our schools, tremendous cuts in healthcare. If he is truly the compassionate conservative he claims to be, those cutbacks would have been important to him but he put his political ambitions ahead of our schools and healthcare.”

His loud rejection of the economic stimulus funds, “was a political ploy. Don’t forget, John McCain invited him out to Arizona to discuss naming him his running mate in last year’s election. Sanford wants to make a name for himself.”

There are other scandalous facts about South Carolina not aired by the corporate media. “South Carolina ranks 50th in the nation in the number of women elected to public office,” DeWitt said. “South Carolina is the only state with no woman in the State Senate. We are always in the top five in the number of women killed by domestic violence. Our unemployment rate is 12.5 percent among the highest in the nation. In some rural counties, it is in the 20 percent to 25 percent range. We have rural counties that are just devastated and they desperately needed that economic stimulus money.”

The South Carolina Progressive Network (SCPN) and the State AFL-CIO organized a rally of nearly 4,000 people April 1 on the steps of the State Capitol to denounce Gov. Sanford’s grandstand play against the stimulus package. The multi-racial crowd held up pink signs with the message, “Pink Slip for Mark Sanford.” Banners proclaimed, “Recall Sanford” and “It’s Our Money: Jobs, Education, Healthcare.”

SCPN Executive Director Brett Bursey told the World he has known Gov. Sanford more than a decade and takes no satisfaction in his personal “tragedy.” But he too stressed that the overriding issue is the plight of hundreds of thousands of unemployed, and poor people in South Carolina as the economic crisis deepens. “We’re tops in the nation in unemployment,” he said. “Its over 12 percent. There were going to be severe cuts in services — critical services — even with the economic stimulus package, including severe teacher layoffs.”

SCPN, the AFL-CIO, and other allies responded by mobilizing the biggest protest demonstration to demand the stimulus funds of any state in the South.

Some in South Carolina believe Sanford cannot survive and will be forced to resign. He has already stepped down as Chairman of the National Republican Governors Association. Once considered a presidential contender, he joins U.S. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev. on the GOP’s lengthening roster of disgraced and discredited might-have-been GOP presidential candidates.

Stop Sen. Jim DeMint

By Ryan Wilson

SC Pride

Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina released this letter addressed to Pastors and Religious Leaders on official US Senate letterhead. I mean I know I live in South Carolina, but seriously? I expected better! He talks about the separation of church and state which I feel he blatantly violates by sending this very letter.

Ironically, I wrote to the Senator just last week asking for his support of the Uniting American Families act and telling my story as a person in a bi-national relationship who’s partner is currently struggling with immigration in-equality. Guess I can be pretty certain I won’t have his vote.

This week South Carolina was a buzz with LGBT activity. Thursday the Sean Kennedy of Greenville, who would have no doubt been at the front of the Upstate Pride parade. Instead his still grieving mother Elke was forced to march in his place, knowing Sean’s murderer is set to be released in September, having served only 1 year for killing her son after calling him a “f*g”. Hate Crimes do happen, and people like myself, people like Sean, need the protection that the Matthew Shepard Act can provide and resources our local police departments need to investigate these crimes when they do happen.

So, Senator DeMint, it is not the Hate Crime bill or the LGBT Movement in South Carolina that needs to be stopped. We stand for progress; for equality. We stand for family values (all families, not just some). We stand for acceptance and tolerance. It is you, Sen. DeMint, who needs to be stopped! Stop quoting biased research by, of all places, the Family Research Council. Stop telling lies about the Matthew Shepard Act. Stop telling lies about LGBT persons. Stop telling lies about me!

Network Members Recognized in Q-Notes

Q-Notes recently featured its readers’ picks for the best LGBT activists, services and organizations in the Carolinas, and several members of the SC Progressive Network made the cut (in bold below). Congratulations to the winners!


Local/Regional: Columbia

Best LGBT non-profit
Winner: Impact Columbia
Runner-up: South Carolina Pride Movement

Best LGBT young adult leader (under 30)
Winner: Santi Thompson
Runner-up: Ryan Wilson

Best LGBT leader (Male)
Winner: John Dawkins
Runner-up: Ed Madden

Best LGBT leader (Female)
Winner: Beth Sherouse
Runners-up: Harriet Hancock, Nekki Shutt

Best LGBT-affirming faith institution
Winner: Garden of Grace United Church of Christ
Runner-up: Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia

Results compiled by Q-Notes staff from qualified online ballots collected April 3-May 13.

To see the full list, click here.

How Crowded is that SC Closet?

By Charlie Smith

Charleston, SC

The blogosphere is ablaze this week with pseudo-amazement that Andre Bauer, Glenn McConnell and Lindsey Graham might be gay. While we’re expressing our indignation/stirring the media pot on this subject, maybe we should just call up Nancy Grace and declare open season on all suspected closet cases. Then maybe we can get this outing thing over with once and for all…starting at the top. Jesus, for example, a confirmed bachelor at 33, was known to host at least one dinner party with twelve unattached men. Wouldn’t a straight man have done lunch at the club? But then Jesus never said a negative word about gay people, so maybe we should reconsider his case.

The only reason that anybody cares about the sexuality of Andre, Glenn and Lindsey is that everybody knows what jackasses they have been on every issue that has negatively affected the lives of LGBT South Carolinians in recent years. In other words, if these elected officials truly are gay, everybody knows that they will then richly deserve whatever comeuppance they get. These rumors are not new. Anybody who can perform a Google search will discover that Ketner’s comments are less than Earth-shattering. (See  “Seven Minutes In Gay Hell” published in September 2007 by The Charleston City Paper)

Hopefully one day soon South Carolinians will realize the true harm they inflict on themselves when they elect and re-elect gay-bashing closet cases to public office. An elected official who has to waste time fortifying his closet to stay in power is by definition giving less than his or her full attention to the real problems of our state…not to mention being a sorry example of leadership. Linda Ketner’s point was that honesty and integrity are essential to both the public and private life of those who seek to serve our citizens.

Ketner has been open and honest about every aspect of her life and because of that she has been able to profoundly improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of South Carolinians…including yours and mine. If Andre, Glenn and Lindsey have something to hide, then they and others like them have made their own political beds by attacking gay people at every opportunity. If they are hiding something, they deserve whatever political retribution they get.

Broadband deal getting more study

Sides debating how to allocate broadcast capacity

The State

A panel of lawmakers says it needs more time to study a proposal to bring WiMax, the latest in wireless broadband, to the Palmetto State.

Wednesday, the Joint Bond Review Committee sent to subcommittee a plan to lease ETV’s excess broadcast capacity to private companies, Clearwire and Digital Bridge Communications.

A contentious part of the proposal lets the state recapture 20 percent of the excess capacity if it’s needed in the future for yet-to-be-determined law enforcement, school or governmental needs.

Some lawmakers and residents say the state should hang on to more of the capacity. Others think the capacity could be worth more money.

“It sounds to me like we may be selling ourselves a bit cheap,” said Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, D-Orangeburg.

The S.C. Progressive Network said lawmakers should designate some of the capacity for free Internet for K-12 students and reduced-rate Internet for residents.

Members of a legislatively appointed study committee say they’ve negotiated the best possible deal for the state.

The companies will pay nearly $143 million to the state over 30 years. The companies would build WiMax networks, offering S.C. residents, businesses and others wireless Internet and, eventually, other uses, like interactive tools.

It would take 18 months to build a network, according to Clearwire.

The debate comes at a time when Clearwire is facing legal troubles.

Customers in four states, including North Carolina, are suing Clearwire, alleging the company is misrepresenting the reliability of its network and is unfairly charging early termination fees.

Clearwire is upgrading its network from an early version of WiMax to mobile WiMax.

Clearwire representatives have said South Carolina would get the mobile WiMax version.

It’s unclear how soon the subcommittee will report back. The State Budget and Control Board has the final say.

Death of Dr. George Tiller “incalculable loss”

Statement from Sharon Camp, Guttmacher Institute president and CEO

The Guttmacher Institute joins the reproductive health community in expressing our shock and sadness at the murder of Dr. George Tiller, a Kansas physician who dedicated his life to providing abortion care to women in need—including later-term abortions to women in the most difficult of circumstances. Dr. Tiller did so despite decades of harassment, vandalism, threats and violent attacks by antiabortion activists.

The number of U.S. abortion providers has been declining for many years; as a result, a growing number of women have difficulty obtaining abortion services in a timely manner. The overwhelming majority of abortion providers offer services in the first trimester, when nearly 90% of abortions occur. But at later gestations—when abortions due to fetal anomalies and threats to a woman’s health or life are more common—only 2% of all abortion providers offer the procedure, leaving women in need of later term abortions with very few safe, legal options.

The death of Dr. Tiller is a senseless tragedy. Dr. Tiller risked his life on a daily basis to ensure that women had access to safe, legal reproductive health services. For the women he helped over the years, as well as those who will now have nowhere else to turn, this is an incalculable loss.

“Murderer Tiller” stirs activist passion

While the most visible “pro-life” organizations have publicly denounced yesterday’s murder of Dr. George Tiller, the tragedy has unleashed a torrent of eye-for-an-eye comments on blogs that is chilling.

Columbia Christians for Life issued the following press release. Feel free to contact the organization’s director, Steve Lefemine, whose information is included at the end.


May 31, 2009

Today a mass murderer was killed by another murderer. George Tiller should have been brought to justice a long time ago, tried for his many crimes of murder, and upon a verdict of guilty for his thousands of counts of murder, executed for his crimes. However, the use of force of arms in the manner employed today by Tiller’s murderer, cannot be justified. It must be condemned.

America has failed to ESTABLISH JUSTICE in law for pre-birth human beings for over 36 years, and so Murderer Tiller was never arrested for the charge of murder, and, through due process of law, tried, sentenced, and executed for his thousands of capital crimes.

If a State/US Congress would statutorily establish legal personhood at fertilization without exceptions, JUSTICE (not just Regulation) would be ESTABLISHED, and the Murder of 3,000 Children Per Day in the Wombs of the Mothers in that State/America would END.

America has become a nation of bloodshed. In over 36 years, over 50 Million children have been murdered in America by surgical abortion alone, let alone probably multiple times that number by chemical abortion, including birth control pills, which are both contraceptive and abortifacient. 

Today America continues to murder over 1 Million children every year, over 3,000 PER DAY by surgical abortion. The land is polluted with innocent blood (Genesis 4:10, Numbers 35:33, Proverbs 6:16,17, 2 Kings 24:1-4) and God is bringing His Divine Judgement upon America.

Part of that Divine Judgement is the oppressive creeping socialism, fascism and marxism of the Obama administration (Psalm 106:37-44). It will not be surprising if the Obama administration uses this incident to unleash a backlash upon pro-lifers. We have already seen how CFR-member Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security Dept. tried to paint all of us who oppose the murder of innocent children in the womb as right-wing extremists.

The Bible records that God said to the wicked people of Israel in Hosea’s day:

“Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.” Hosea 4:1, KJB

Or, bloodshed follows bloodshed. The bloodshed in the womb for over 36 years has been followed by bloodshed on our streets, in homes, in workplaces, in schools, and in churches. America has become a nation of bloodshed.

And again, God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel:

“Therefore, as I live, saith the LORD GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee.” Ezekiel 35:6, KJB

America has not hated the bloodshed of pre-birth innocent human beings, and so as a Divine Judgement, bloodshed is pursuing us.

Over 140 years ago, over 620,000 Americans died in the War Between Americans. God judged America for her national sin of American slavery. Today God is judging America for the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion. 9-11, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Katrina, the Illegal Immigrant Invasion, and the Financial and Economic Crisis are all manifestations of this ongoing and increasing Divine Judgement. More and greater Divine Judgement is coming upon America for the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion unless we repent.

The response of Christians in America to today’s murder of mass murderer George Tiller should be to fall on our faces before Godand ask God’s forgiveness for our CORPORATE BLOODGUILT (e.g., Deut. 21:1-9) and for failing to love and obey God enough to love our unborn neighbors as we love ourselves more than we have for decades. It is the shedding of innocent blood of 3,000 children a day that is bringing God’s Wrath upon America. The wicked, pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, pro-NWO Obama Presidency and Adminstration is an instrument in God’s Hand to bring upon that Judgement, just as Nebuchadnezzar was an instrument of God’s Judgement upon Judah in 605 BC (2 Kings 24:1-4) and the years following, until Judah’s utter destruction in 586 BC.

When Christians have truly repented, will we not see numbers of Christians on their faces outside the 700+ death camps in America, crying out to God for mercy upon our land to stop the killing ???

I pray so.

When Christians have truly repented, will we not see more Christians demanding their legislators pass Personhood legislation to ESTABLISH JUSTICE for the pre-born to END ABORTION, and not just perennially find new ways to REGULATE MURDER (parental consent, informed consent, clinic regulation, 24 hour wait, ultrasound bills, ad nauseam…) ???

I pray so. 

When Christians love our unborn neighbors as we love ourselves, the American Holocaust will end.

2 Chronicles 7:14 – God’s remedy for America to be healed is for we who are CHRISTIANS to REPENT !

“If My people [Christians], which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways [sins of commission and omission]; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [America, or any nation].”  2 Chronicles 7:14, KJB

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC
(803) 794-6273

Sotomayor champions campaign finance reform

Nick Nyhart, Public Campaign Action Fund

This week’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court could add an ally of campaign finance reform to the nation’s highest judicial body. Sotomayor was a member of New York City’s Campaign Finance Board in its earliest days, helping establish the city’s successful system of publicly financed elections.

In a 1996 Suffolk Law Review article, co-authored with Nicole Gordon, the Board’s executive director at that time, Sotomayor writes:

“We would never condone private gifts to judges about to decide a case implicating the gift-givers’ interests. Yet our system of election financing permits extensive private, including corporate, financing of candidates’ campaigns, raising again and again the question what the difference is between contributions and bribes and how legislators or other officials can operate objectively on behalf of the electorate. Can elected officials say with credibility that they are carrying out the mandate of a ‘democratic’ society, representing only the general public good, when private money plays such a large role in their campaigns?”

Her confirmation would stand in contrast to the arrivals of Justices Roberts and Alito to the Supreme Court. Both have taken a negative stance towards the regulation of campaign money. There’s more to see in this article from Politico.

Victory in the SC State House!

Thanks to quick mobilizing among activists in the SC Progressive Network and our allies in the legislature, H 3543 — the teen dating bill that was amended to include language discriminatory to LGBTQ youth — did not advance before the session adjourned last week. (For a brief background on the bill, click here.)

Congratulations to our member groups SC Pride, Columbia-PFLAG, Sean’s Last Wish and SC Equality for a job well done. And thanks to Reps. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, James Smith, Chris Hart and Ken Kennedy for speaking against the amendment. 

Please take a moment to contact them and express your appreciation. They need to know they aren’t fighting alone.

Contact information

  • Rep. Cobb-Hunter: or 803-734-2809
  • Rep. Smith: or 803-734-2997
  • Rep. Hart: or 803-771-7701
  • Rep. Ken Kennedy: or 803-426-2492

The bill may be taken up when the legislature reconvenes in January. We’ll keep you posted.