Running the Numbers
Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney gets paid for speaking rallies, despite the group's claims that he does not. Tax records show McCartney received $61,833 plus other benefits over the past years, according to the Associated Press.

Sixty-two percent of Promise Keepers say their No. 1 problem is sexual sin, according to Promise Keepers' stadium rally polls.

A Washington Post survey of 882 men at the D.C. Promise Keepers rally found: half of them came from the South; 58 percent believe it would be better if "the man worked and the woman stayed home with the children"; only one in eight of them voted for President Bill Clinton in the last election.

Since it was founded in 1990, Promise Keepers have held 62 major rallies, from Seattle to New York. They usually cost $60 per person. (Because it was held in a public space, the D.C. rally was free, although offerings were collected from participants as they exited the event.) Not counting money raised in D.C., Promise Keepers have generated more than $129 million.

Promise Keepers were served by 11 vice presidents in 1996, most of whom earned more than $75,000. President Randy Phillips made $132,000 last year.

Promise Keepers have eight regional offices and more than 360 employees. Last year, the group's merchandise sales grossed $16 million.

Promise Keepers

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Last modified 10/15/97