PK wives condemn weak men and strong women for social ills. Promise Keepers
The Promise Keepers is a strictly male organization. Women who want to show their support can join Promise Partners, where they pledge to pray for their husbands and sons to stay true to their promises. These are excerpts from Promise Partners' "An Open Letter to our Sisters," posted on the group's Web site.
The bad news is that while many men are strong, loving upholders of Godliness, others have abdicated their God-given positions of responsibility, leadership and protection in the homes of our nations. More bad news is that many women have been duped into following the vain philosophies of foolish, frustrated women who shake their fists, tear at men and relationships, and call on our sisters to empower themselves -- with what? There is no one who feels weaker than a young mom who, having bought into the rhetoric about getting rid of her husband one day finds herself all alone in a cold water flat, on welfare with three babies. Many women have abdicated their God-given position of influence through aggression, withdrawal and rejection. The result?